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Why DIY Page Builders Like Wix And Squarespace Are Cool, And Why You Should Probably Never Use Them For Your Business

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A great company website has become a necessary marketing tool for successful businesses, big and small. It’s usually the first point of contact for potential customers, and needs to reflect the business’s values and unique offerings. With the advent of do-it-yourself (DIY) website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and, the barrier to creating a website has been significantly lowered. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces that allow anyone to build a website without any coding knowledge. While these tools are excellent for technically adept individuals, they may not be the best choice for the majority of small business owners. This article explores why hiring a professional web designer or developer is usually a better investment.

The Appeal of DIY Website Builders

Over the last several years, DIY website builders have gained popularity. They are cost-effective, with many offering free basic plans or affordable premium options. The simplicity of these platforms is a significant draw, enabling users to launch a website in a matter of hours. Additionally, they come with a range of customizable templates that cater to various industries, making it easy for business owners to find a design that aligns with their brand.

Limitations of DIY Website Builders for Small Businesses

Lack of Customization

While DIY builders offer a certain degree of customization, they are inherently limited by their templates and design constraints. Small businesses often have unique needs and brand identities that templates cannot fully capture. Custom functionalities, such as specialized booking systems or customer relationship management (CRM) integrations, might be challenging or even impossible to implement on these platforms.

SEO and Performance Issues

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for online visibility. DIY website builders usually produce sites that are not fully optimized for search engines. The most common areas that don’t quite cut it are page speed, mobile responsiveness, and on-page SEO. Professional web developers like One Fiddy Websites have the expertise to optimize a website’s structure, content, and meta tags to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).


As your businesses grows, your website needs will probably evolve with it. DIY builders might not offer the scalability required for expansion. Adding new functionalities, pages, or integrating third-party services might not be straightforward, leading to a website that hampers growth rather than facilitating it. One of the most important aspects in most small business websites is their blog. Posting regularly to your company’s blog reassures Google and other search engines that you are still in business and creating useful content for your potential customers. DIY page builders often have really bad blogging capabilities, whereas a custom WordPress website is optimized for blogging.


For whatever reason, do-it-yourself page builders tend to create pages that are simply inaccessible. A website that lacks accessibility can indicate you don’t care about your disabled customers, or even worse open your company up to lawsuits relating to the American’s With Disabilities Act. A good professional web developer such as One Fiddy Websites will know exactly how to create a website that is accessible for everybody.

The Value of Professional Web Design and Development

Tailored Solutions

Professional web designers and developers can create customized websites tailored to a business’s specific needs and goals. This bespoke approach ensures that every aspect of the site, from the user interface (UI) to user experience (UX) design, aligns with the business’s branding and customer engagement strategies.

Expertise and Experience

Web professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, not just in design and development but also in areas like SEO, security, and compliance with web standards. This expertise is invaluable in building a website that is not only visually appealing but also functional, secure, and optimized for search engines.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Websites require continuous maintenance to stay updated, secure, and functional. Professional web developers like One Fiddy Websites offer ongoing support and can quickly address issues, update content, and implement new features as needed. This level of support is crucial for businesses that rely on their website for lead generation, sales, and customer engagement.

Better ROI

While hiring a professional may require a higher initial investment compared to using a DIY builder, the long-term benefits often translate to a better return on investment (ROI). A well-designed, optimized, and scalable website can attract more visitors, generate more leads, and convert more sales, ultimately contributing to the business’s bottom line. Even better, there are many web development companies like One Fiddy Websites, that offer prices that are competitive with DIY solutions.

Why WordPress Is A Better Option Than Wix or Squarespace For Most Entrepreneurs

One Fiddy Websites builds technically superior websites using WordPress. So is WordPress really better than do-it-yourself solutions such as Wix or Squarespace?

Unmatched Flexibility and Customization

WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility in website design and functionality. Unlike Wix and Squarespace, which rely on fixed templates and limited customization options, WordPress allows businesses to tailor every aspect of their site. With access to thousands of themes and plugins, businesses can create a unique online identity and add complex features, from e-commerce solutions to social media integrations, without any restrictions.

Ownership and Control

One of the fundamental advantages of WordPress is the level of control and ownership it provides., the self-hosted version, allows businesses to own their website completely, including all files and data. This contrasts with Wix and Squarespace, that both have platform dependencies for hosting and maintenance. With WordPress, businesses are free to choose their hosting provider, enhance their site’s security, and back up their data as they see fit.

SEO Capabilities

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for any business aiming to increase its online visibility. WordPress excels in this area by offering advanced SEO tools and plugins, which enable precise control over website optimization. While Wix and Squarespace have made strides in improving their SEO features, they still lack the depth and flexibility that WordPress provides. WordPress sites tend to perform better in search rankings due to its customizable nature and the ability to optimize every element for SEO.

Community Support and Resources

WordPress boasts an active community, offering resources, tutorials, and forums where users can find help and share knowledge. This support network makes troubleshooting and learning WordPress more accessible. While Wix and Squarespace offer customer support, the breadth and depth of community-driven resources available for WordPress users are hard to beat.


WordPress is free software, allowing businesses to more effectively use their budget on quality hosting, premium themes, or plugins. This cost structure is typically lower than Wix and Squarespace that often have non-transparent monthly fees. Additionally, the ability to choose hosting providers allows businesses to select a plan that best matches their budget and performance requirements.

But What About

WordPress is a dominant force, powering a significant portion of the internet. However, newcomers often encounter confusion between and The former is a self-hosted platform, while the latter is a hosted service. For users seeking flexibility, control, and the potential to expand, typically stands out as the superior choice for the following reasons.

Full Theme and Plugin Customization allows users to access thousands of free and premium themes and plugins. This allows the creation of a website that looks and functions exactly as desired. This level of customization is crucial for users who want to stand out or require specific functionalities for their site., on the other hand, limits free and lower-tier users to a selection of themes and does not allow plugin installation unless you opt for the Business plan or higher, which can be costly.

Complete Ownership and Control

With, users host their website independently, giving them complete ownership and control over their site’s content, design, and functionality. This autonomy means you can modify your site at the code level, optimizing your website for speed, SEO, and security as you see fit. users, conversely, are bound by the platform’s terms of service and limitations, which can include restrictions on advertising, analytics, and making code-level changes.

Monetization Freedom offers unrestricted opportunities for monetization. Users can integrate any advertising service, sell products directly through their website, accept donations, or run a subscription service. This freedom is vital for businesses, entrepreneurs, and bloggers looking to generate income from their online presence., while offering monetization options, places restrictions on advertising and takes a cut of your earnings unless you are on a higher-tier plan.

SEO Advantages users can install powerful SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, and others, providing granular control over every aspect of their site’s search engine optimization. This capability is crucial for users aiming to maximize their visibility in search results. does include basic SEO tools, but the ability to fine-tune and fully optimize a site is limited compared to the self-hosted version.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your website grows, your needs will evolve. allows for complete scalability and flexibility, accommodating anything from a small personal blog to a large e-commerce site. Users can upgrade their hosting as required, install performance optimization plugins, and adjust their site’s resources to handle increased traffic and data. offers scalability mainly through its pricing plans, which can become expensive as you upgrade.


For users willing to put in a bit more effort into the setup and maintenance of their site, can be more cost-effective in the long run. Though you need to pay for hosting, the price of a good hosting service can be less than the higher-tier plans of, especially when considering the added flexibility and potential for monetization. Additionally, the WordPress software itself is free, meaning you’re investing directly in the services that matter most to you.


The recent popularity of DIY website builders are a testament to the democratization of web design. However, for small businesses looking to establish a strong online presence, the limitations of these platforms often outweigh their benefits. Professional web developers like those at One Fiddy Websites offer tailored solutions, expertise, and ongoing support that DIY builders cannot match. By investing in professional web services, small businesses can ensure their website effectively represents their brand, meets their customers’ needs, and supports their growth and success in the marketplace.